Thursday, June 19, 2014

Love Them Anyway

I wanna leave you, don't wanna stay here
Don't wanna spend another day here
Though I wanna split now, I can't quit now.

     Smokey sounds a little stressed in this song doesn't he?  Well dear Smokey, you can quite and so can I --we all can.  Listen to this song like he's holding on to fear, which he probably is --staying with a girl who does him wrong.  Fear that he can't find/doesn't deserve someone better.  It's so easy to live and stay in fear and be angry and judgmental, but we all have the power to walk away from fear and embrace love.
Example of a LOVEFEST!!!
     Create your own miracle!  This song was the first to pop up in my playlist today.  It's one of my all time faves.  Who doesn't love a little Smokey?  I know the lyrics by heart and the message was loud and clear after my revelations during my last post.  Quit that anger loop, You got this, YES You Can!  Choose Love.
     And this lovely quote popped up on my facebook news-feed today.  I googled it because there is so much misinformation out there and it is real , not Mother Teresa like the post claimed (although she supposedly had this hanging up on a wall) but actually Dr. Kent M. Keith.  This is the life I am choosing to lead from here on out party people.  LOVEFEST!!!!!!

Art by Purnimodo


  1. Ah it took me a while to figure out how to post outside WP. Thank you so much for the sharing my work your blog. Means a lot. I love these commandments.. they make bearing the less colorful things in life a lot easier :) Wish you a wonderful Sunday! :D

  2. You're welcome! Love your Doodles. :) Happy Sunday to you too.
