Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Warrior Pappy

     As I was telling a family story to a friend, she stopped me and said, "did you just say Pappy Bopp?"  "Why yes I did.  Don't you wish you had a Pappy Bopp too?"
     Technically Pappy Bopp was my step-grandfather, but who cares about technically.  I met this firecracker of a man when I was five-years-old, so he's my Pappy and let no person tear us asunder.  Where do I begin in my description of him?

     He was so many things: father, husband, grandfather, great-grandfather, fisherman, farmer, hunter, WWII veteran, Pearl Harbor survivor, retired coal miner, fighter of black lung, blue collar and proud, Catholic, German American, old school Democrat, union member and fighter, yankee, clearly, in his prime, a total warrior bad ass --(what coal mining Pearl Harbor survivor isn't?), hilarious with an infectious laugh, with his hands laced behind his back, an enjoyer of a quiet walk in the woods dogs in tow, sensitive and sentimental which became more apparent as he got older, eater of copious amounts of garlic, (he would eat it raw since it was good for his heart),  Hooch er uh wine maker, Steeler, Penn State, and Pirate fan, and animal lover.

     Animal lover is not really the correct label.  It seems like a new term that doesn't really apply to him exactly.  Sure he loved his animals but his relationship with the animal world was very organic and natural.  Nothing sappy about it; more like matter of fact and wise --an integral aspect of Pappy.  Wise about nature out of necessity and affection.  He hunted deer with his beagles and always fed whatever cats came around.  Raised animals with my Grandma for their family to eat, proudly hosted fish fries, offered homemade smoked salmon and deer jerky  to loved ones.  Holy crap do I miss his deer jerky and him!
     So there you have a granddaughter's memory of him.  Towards the end of his life, everything became a struggle.  Depression set in after my Grandma died.  His knees, hands, and elbows were extremely compromised from the years as a coal miner, and his heart was failing him. During the winter of 2011, he was going and his sons were having a hard time with that reality.  I could feel Pappy fighting for them.  A part of him wanted to die but a more urgent part of him ...the father energy was holding on and his sons were holding on too.  It was apparent to me and other family members that the time to pass was here.  But, the energy of the sons and father were fighting hard.   With the help of my teacher Master Ou, I started sending him healing energy ... whatever he needed.  My intention was not to save him but to help him go in peace.  This was very new to me, I had been practicing PGSG for less than a year, but I wanted desperately to help him. The shell of my warrior pappy in that hospital bed --heart breaking!
     Well, he lingered for many weeks after I started sending the energy causing me to become frustrated and unsure if I was helping him or just wasting my time.  Was this PGSG just some woo woo silliness?  So one evening, I sent him more energy, but before starting I asked the universe, "am I helping?  I need a sign?  Pappy is still here and suffering."  Crying, I started and loud and clear a song popped in my head with the lyrics, "you bring light in".  As I described in yesterday's post, my body was engulfed with chills and strong qi sensations.  So, ya' know, I took that as a very loud, palpable answer and threw my uncertainty out the window.  He passed shortly afterwards.

     Yesterday, as I was getting up from my computer chair having just published a blog post that same song came on my Pandora mix of nineteen stations.  Hmmmmm .... coincidence, maybe?  But I closed my eyes "to tune in" and the rush of chills and qi met me immediately.  Thank you universe for more confirmation.  I asked while still tuned in, honest blog brings light in?  I was answered with more chills and qi and a strong feeling of love.  I'll take that as a yes.
     Before starting this blog, I felt like I was going to explode from holding everything in.  The reality is this is me, I have these helpful communications with the divine often.  I struggle with physical pain everyday and come from a family with many layers of emotional pain.  I am tired of pretending that everything's fine.  Who am I kidding; have you seen me try to walk lately?  I open myself to you readers, I offer you all of the messiness bringing light to you and me.  Thank you Pappy for helping me realize what I am capable of and the power of PGSG.

The Song, Two Months Off, by Underworld

" ... You bring light in
To a dark place
Walking in light
Glowing walking in light
Gold rings around you
The hues of you
The golden sunlight of you
You bring light in
Cool wind following
Follwing after you
Rising for you
Your skin beautiful
Everything comes natural
Fantastic fan
Rocking rocking floating ... "


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