Dolly in the Sky with Diamonds |
After I got home, I checked out my photo and fiddled with it on Instagram and uploaded it. Such a beautiful shot I thought. My cousin noticed it online and responded, "doesn't that look like a woman's face in the clouds?" I took a look closer and my hair stood up on my arms. Not only did it look like a woman's face, but it looked like our Grandma Dolly's face who has been dead since 1997. Huge waves of her loving and protective energy swirled around enveloping me. I know this sounds bizarre, but the feelings, the chills, the hair standing up, my Grandma's energy was everywhere. She is often very near protecting me. Watching over me learning, healing, and helping me heal. As I studied the photo, her palpable presence lifted me up into her loving energy.
I know deep in my heart she is just right over on the other side watching out for me. I wish that everyone realized this about their deceased loved ones. Just yesterday I was watching and old Sopranos episode while cooking dinner and the game Canasta was brought up which made me immediately think about her. We loved to play Canasta together. She always beat me; she beat me in every game we played. I finally clued in that she was a bit of a cheater. Well, actually a big cheater a card shark really and she thoroughly enjoyed beating her grand-kids --everyone was fair game. Ha! You may be reading this and thinking, "wow what a crappy thing to do." But she was funny about it, a little stinker with a twinkle in her eye playing and cheating, laughing. If only we played together when I was older, then maybe I could have learned some of her tricks. So, the mention of this card game on TV made me think of her and giggle at her shenanigans and then there she was again sending me waves of love. I got teary eyed and said in my mind, "grandma I miss you so much and I love you."
Grandma and I 1995 |
My message inspired by my Grandma: You are never alone. You always have a dream team of spirit MVP's who are helping you along, guiding you and loving you. I feel this every day. Sometimes the messages are clear. Sometimes they take a little mediation to decipher and realize. If you slow down and meditate, (whatever form of mediation that works for you) signs of your spiritual dream team will surface ... you just have to be looking out for them. Perhaps a message will be in the clouds or in a song; a coincidence of some kind that is actually not a coincidence at all. I may not have started my energetic meditation practice (Pangu Qi Gong) if I hadn't gotten so sick from rheumatoid arthritis. So again gratitude for exactly where I am right now in my life. Taking my time and looking up and noticing the beauty and messages that wait to be noticed everyday. Messages that I was too harried and busy before to see.
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